5 Tips for SEO Beginners

New to the world of SEO? This blog post offers invaluable guidance for beginners. I will cover five essential tips to help you navigate the complexities of SEO. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or aspiring SEO professional, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to improve your website's visibility and drive organic traffic. Don't miss out on this opportunity to kickstart your SEO journey and achieve online success!

5 Tips for SEO Beginners

Beginner’s SEO Guide and Tips so that you do not ruin your website traffic.

#1. Your URL should not include the date.

Even in the year 2024, there are many websites out there that use date in their URL. If you are a website owner or a blogger and want your SEO efforts to work, you need to stop this today.

A quick example of a date in URL looks like this: www.theblogmind.com/29-09-2019/

Yes, you are correct, this is ugly.

It is not at all a user-friendly URL and is not SEO friendly.
So instead of using dates in your URL, use the topic of your URL.

#2 Link your old and new posts together.

The primary motive for linking your old post with your new post allow you to transfer the trust.

The old link will have more authority and trust, so if you link your old and new posts, the value or equity is also passed from one page to another. This will also help the visitors to stay within your website and eventually increase time-on-site metrics which is good.

#3 Think of your website as a brand.

Do not consider SEO just for the sake of SEO.
The SEO of your page will naturally rise if you consider SEO of your page, as a brand and providing a solution to a problem.

This will let people return to the page, and hence, people will refer and recommend you everywhere. Google is already aware, of the people and blogs that provide fake news around and misguide people.

Hence, show your page as a brand and gain trust first, Provide valuable information through your website. This will help you to establish your brand.

#4 Constantly update your old post as well

People usually write content and then they forget about it.
Well, you should never do this, you should write content and also update it in the future.

This will create a powerful impact on Google bots as they will notice that the content is always fresh. Google likes to pick fresh and new updated content to show to the users.

So you should update your content at least once in 2-3 weeks.

#5 Think about the user Metrics.

In the wake of Google’s Panda updates, User Metrics were introduced so you should also think about the user and he should not be bored when he visits the site. Keep your website engaging and user-friendly so it stays within your website or page.

If a user visits your page and leaves immediately, then Google Algorithm will think that the user did not like the page. This way your page bounce rate will increase and Google may even penalize your website if this keeps on happening.


By implementing these five essential tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the basic fundamentals of SEO and driving organic traffic to your website. Remember that SEO is a long-term investment, and results may not happen overnight. Stay patient, stay persistent, and keep refining your strategies as you continue to grow and evolve in your SEO journey. Good luck!

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